Monday, May 21, 2007

Pre-wrap Girls on TV tonight

Yes, it's last minute...but if you're in New England check out WGBY's Teen Style tonight, May 21 at 7:30 pm! See us in action!

And thanks to all our friends who came out to help!

Friday, May 04, 2007

Guys love pre-wrap, too

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Went to a middle school track meet. Our team is blue and gold, so I brought a couple of rolls of gold on a very windy day. The girls were thrilled and grabbed pieces to make headbands and bows. The guys could resist. They wore headbands like warriors and couldn't resist playing with the prewrap. The other team had the same color uniform, but we could easily pick out our team by the pre-wrap!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Pre-wrap Entertains Dodger's Rafael Furcal in the Dugout

Just when you think you've found all the uses for pre-wrap we find another! Seems blue pre-wrap can keep you entertained during a long game. Why not wrap yourself like a mummy while hanging out in the dugout? According to Kevin Pearson of

"Among the scenes from Sunday's game that have been shown on the highlights was shortstop Rafael Furcal's 17th-inning mummification in the dugout.

The TV camera caught Furcal, who was taken out in the 16th inning, wrapping his head in blue pre-wrap in the dugout. First, it was his forehead, but then it became everything but his eyes that were covered up."