Monday, January 29, 2007

Parents' Guide to High School Training

Parents, especially parents of committed athletes, struggle to find the balance between schoolwork and extra-curriculars. Lindle Hinkle, a commited educator and mom, will show you how to help your kids survive high school. Check out this FREE live telephone conference designed to aid you in helping your student succeed.

If you’re like most parents of teens, you want to do everything you can to help your teenager be successful in high school. But do you sometimes feel frustrated because you aren’t sure how you can help? You want to help with homework, but don’t remember algebra? Linda Hinkle, a veteran high school teacher, is hosting a free teleseminar in which she will discuss various strategies parents can use to help keep abreast of their teen’s academic progress. You will also receive her free report “The High School Journey: What to Expect From Freshman to Senior” as soon as you sign up for the teleseminar. You can sign up and see all the details at

Below are some of the topics to be discussed:

* The importance of parental involvement during the high school years
* How to determine if your teen is keeping up with classwork and doing required homework
* What to do if your teen is falling behind in spite of working hard and completing all assignments
* Time management for your high school student
* The key to effective communication with a teacher
* How to make the most of your parent teacher conferences
* When to consider getting a tutor
* Don't have a high schooler yet? Learn how to start early to avoid potential problems down the road.

Linda and her host, Aurelia of the ParentingMyTeen podcast, are wonderful, level-headed women who truly care about helping you and your child succeed! Sounds like a don't miss to me!


Anonymous said...

This sounds like a great resource for parents of teen athletes.

The Pre-wrap Girls said...

Reminder! This teleseminar is tonight!